Saturday, February 02, 2013

Week 5: Update my top 10 online accounts with more secure passwords

Task #6: Update my top 10 online accounts with more secure passwords

What it is: Come up with a better way to create passwords for my most important sites.

Why I haven't done it: I actually have a pretty good methodology for my passwords (which I will reveal after having completed this task), but there are always reasons to improve...

Twitter: hackers may have stolen passwords of 250,000 users

Yeah, that. Except that it turns out that "may" is too soft a term.

What I hope to accomplish: Like a lot of tasks, this isn't about doing something one time. It's about coming up with a better way of doing something that I need to do as a regular part of life. Like I said: I've got a pretty good methodology for creating passwords, but let's see if I can do it a little better.

What my Plan is: Research some different methodologies and try out two or three of them before picking one (maybe even use more than one for extra security). Will start with Randall Munroe:

Password Strength

P.S. - I'm running a bit behind again because we had some bad family news this week, which cut the week short. On the plus side, this week's task is going to be pretty light in terms of hours, so I should be able to have last week's task wrapped up in the next day or two.

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